Therapy for Women

Are you a woman struggling to navigate the season of life you are in currently?

  • Does life feel overwhelming with a To Do list a mile long?

  • Do you feel like you’re losing who you are in the day-to-day monotony and challenges of life?

 Women play an important and necessary role in our society while also wearing many hats within their family system. So, it’s no surprise that women tend to feel burnt out and unappreciated more often than men. Many women manage this burden quietly while resentment builds inside them around all the responsibilities they carry each day. In my therapy for women sessions, I often see certain reoccurring struggles that are specific to women. To make matters worse, society tends to scrutinize women more than men, and therefore women place more pressure on themselves to handle things a certain way.

I’m Stressed from Having to do it All

I hear this frequently and can relate as a woman myself! Juggling schedules, jobs, children, housework and meals can be quite the load to carry. Women often take these tasks upon themselves rather than delegating to spouses or partners because they feel they should be able to do it all. I attribute some of this line of thinking to social media. When other moms post images of having it all together by perfectly planning children’s birthday parties or seemingly juggling high-stress jobs while also planning amazing dinners each night, it can leave women feeling as though they don’t measure up. Comparison is the thief of joy! And it’s important to remember that people commonly post the best images of their life online and rarely share the messy parts publicly. Women in general tend to be much harder on themselves and set a high bar for their expectations of themselves. This also lends itself to feeling burnt out and overwhelmed because the expectations are likely unattainable.

Difficulty getting pregnant

This is a concern for more women in our society than we realize. This is because women sometimes feel shame around not being able to conceive. In therapy for women, we can discuss exploring that shame, which is often rooted in deeply held societal views of conceiving. By keeping this struggle private, women unknowingly increase the feelings of shame. So, women’s counseling often includes facing those feelings and giving them a voice. Women have an even harder time with this than their male spouses due to it being “expected” that women should be able to easily get pregnant. When this does not occur, the feelings of shame emerge in full force. Women oftentimes feel they don’t have anyone they can turn to that understands what they are experiencing.

In women’s counseling I provide a safe place to share difficult emotions without judgement. This can help make sense of those feelings and empower you to confront them. Please connect with me if you would like to talk further or have any questions.

Defining themselves outside of motherhood

Due to women have so many roles they manage, some roles may take front stage while others fade into the background. And because raising children requires so much focus on others, many women neglect themselves and even lose a sense of who they are outside of “mom”. It’s so important to remember that you are important too and self-care time must be carved out of your busy schedule. In therapy we can strategize where you could make adjustments in your life to make time for you. I’m sure you have heard the saying “you can’t pour from an empty cup”. This is why self-care is so important! Finding time for yourself can help give you a sense of purpose outside of mom duties, which can in turn improve mood.  Perhaps even spending time engaging in an activity you did prior to being a parent can provide a renewed sense of purpose. Therapy is a great place to explore what drives your passionate side and helps define you individually.

Different phases of raising children

Raising children can change at every turn, and is not for the faint of heart. I’ve worked with women in various stages of parenting and there is always something new to learn whether it’s parenting energetic toddlers or tiptoeing around angry teenagers. I have found that women crave guidance in this area and validation that they are handling things appropriately. Women have shared how tough childrearing is emotionally, particularly if much of the parenting responsibility falls on their shoulders. Therapy can be a place to discuss challenging behaviors and how to best manage them.  Raising children can also bring up feelings women may have never experienced before which can create fear, frustration or even curiosity. Women can have certain responses to their baby crying that they want to challenge or even different parenting styles than their spouse which can create conflict.  These are each normal reactions to parenting that all women can experience at times.

What Counseling For Women Can Provide

I utilize Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT) to help you recognize and challenge negative thought patterns or beliefs that may not be serving you well. By creating more positive self-talk we can quiet your inner critic which allows you space to enjoy a more peaceful life experience. You can learn mindfulness-based practices to encourage staying present in the moment, and therefore balancing your rational and emotional mind (also known as your wise mind). Through CBT counseling and mindfulness, you can learn healthy ways to handle anything life throws your way.

 If you want to address the challenges you face as a woman in today’s society, please reach out to me about therapy for women. To get started, you can use the contact form or call 903-765-1743.